Disposal of Hazardous Materials: Tires, chemicals, paints, oil-based products, household cleaners, fluorescent light bulbs, computer monitors, TV’s and electronic products, batteries, major appliances, treated lumber and other similar hazardous materials cannot be disposed of through the City’s collection system. For information about the disposal of these items, call the Tri-County Solid Waste Commission at 320 255 6140. They will provide assistance in identifying environmentally safe disposal options.
Disposal of Hypodermic Needles: Residents who use needles, lancets and syringes at home are asked to follow the guidelines listed below for the disposal of these items. Proper disposal helps minimize the risk that sanitation workers and transfer station employees are exposed to due to the risk of disease transmission and injury from needle-sticks.
◦Needles, lancets and syringes can be disposed of in city refuse bags if contained in an empty plastic bottle (pop, milk, bleach or laundry soap bottle).
◦The plastic bottle must be sealed with a cap and taped.
◦It is recommended that duct tape be used to seal the cap in place on the bottle.
◦Label the container "Do Not Recycle: Household Sharps" several times using a permanent marker.
◦Do not use glass bottles or jars or metal cans for the disposal of needles, lancets and syringes.
◦Place the plastic bottle in your city refuse bag.
◦Do not place the container in your recycling bin. The bottle and its contents are no longer recyclable.
◦Do not place needles, lancets or syringes loose in a refuse bag.
◦Do not place a commercial sharps disposal container into a city refuse bag.
It is highly recommended that if you have the option of disposing of your needles, lancets, syringes or other bio-hazard medical waste through your clinic, hospital or pharmacy that you utilize their program.
Disposal of Electronic Products: In 2003 the Minnesota Legislature passed a law that bans the disposal of electronic products such as televisions and computer monitors as garbage. The statute went into effect July 1, 2006 (MN Statute 115A.9565). The City of St. Cloud will no longer pick up electronic products which include television sets, computer monitors, hard drives, keyboards, printers, VCR's, DVD players, radios, CD players and stereos. These products pose a serious environmental hazard. Contact Waste Management Transfer Station at 320-253-6491 or Central Appliance Recyclers at 320-252-3221 for disposal of these products. There is a charge for this service