Waste containers may not be placed in City right of way before 4:00pm the night before collection and must be brought in by 8:00pm on the day of collection.
1 garbage, 1 recycling, and 1 yard waste per week
Bulk waste on call
Waste Management supplies one toter per household for garbage. You can place out personal can as well, or pay Waste Management for an extra cart. Each household can get as many recycle carts as needed, and yard waste cans are personal cans or paper bags.
Bulk Collection*
Collected once/week free of charge. Call Waste Management to schedule a pick up at 305-296-8297.
Items such as furniture or appliances etc.
Yard Waste
If in cans or paper bagged, pickup will be with regular route.
If you want a loose pile picked up there is a charge. Call Waste Management to schedule a pick up at 305-296-8297 .
When material is placed curbside it is important that it is removed within 24 hours to avoid any safety hazards.