We have two programs that may be of interest to you: Dairy Cattle Production and Management and .
The Dairy Cattle Production and Management Associate of Applied Science program combines a top-notch education program with excellent facilities to prepare students for careers that focus on the animal care, business, and associated services that are part of a dairy farm or dairy agribusiness.
Students study the principles and processes of genetics, reproduction, milking, health and nutritional management of the dairy herd. Additional course work in computerized herd records, agronomy, buildings and equipment, personnel management, accounting, and farm/business management helps to prepare graduates to manage farm finances as well as the herd.
Students in this program complete an industry internship of full-time employment. Ohio State ATI helps students find appropriate internship positions both in Ohio and in other states. Students are paid for their employment, graded on their job performance, and awarded academic credit. Most internships have been in Ohio but others have taken place throughout the U.S., as well as in Canada, Australia, Switzerland, and the United Kingdom.
Career Prospects
Dairy positions are available in production management, service, quality control, and sales. Graduates may start a dairy operation of their own or return to their home farm; manage others’ operations as dairy herd or farm managers, or become farm employees; or fill positions as dairy field representatives or dairy technicians. This curriculum can also lead to careers as agribusiness representatives in the areas of artificial insemination; milk quality; feed sales; nutritional consulting; and health, finance, and business management. Additional post-graduation experience is always helpful in preparing students to become dairy farm and business owners.
At Ohio State ATI students have access to a wide range of facilities and equipment, including:
- A free-stall barn which houses a registered herd of 120 high-producing Holstein, Jersey, and Brown Swiss milking cows. ATI’s dairy herd is a multiple year recipient of the Holstein Association USA’s Progressive Breeder Award, American Jersey Cattle Association’s high JPI herd recognition, and Brown Swiss Cattle Breeder’s Top 25% Genetic Herd recognition
- A fully automated double-ten parallel milking parlor equipped with electronic identification and computerized milk weight recording
- Computerized feeding system monitors TMR ration mixing, feeder efficiency, and feed inventory and calculates economic ratios
- A computerized animal activity monitoring system is used to detect estrus and inactivity due to health concerns
Dairy Science
Dairy Science is the animal care, business, and services associated with a dairy farm or dairy agribusiness. The Associate of Science degree in dairy science allows students to complete 50 percent of the requirements for a bachelor’s degree in Animal Sciences from the College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences.