Cocoa, FL
Brevard County
Phone: (321) 633-1888
Facility Contact: Mr. Charlie Hunter
GPS: 28.408612, -80.82889
Facility Type:
Monday through Saturday 8:00 am to 4:00 pm The Central Disposal Facility (CDF) is located on Adamson Road in Cocoa. The property was first used for solid waste disposal in the 1960's. Since then the County has continued to make improvements operationally and environmentally. For example, the 192-acre permitted landfill area is lined by a clay slurry wall, groundwater monitoring wells have been installed, and a methane gas collection and flare system is in place.
The site originally consisted of 285 acres. CDF now totals 957 acres. Portions of the landfill have been closed by capping it with a liner, two feet of cover dirt, and sod. It is estimated Brevard County will have enough landfill capacity to handle the disposal needs for the county until 2014.
In addition to the landfill area itself, there are many other areas within the landfill which emphasize waste reduction and environmental protection.
WasteMap Florida
Underwritten by an innovative grant from the Florida Department of Environmental Protection.
A Leon County Project. Managed by the Southern Waste Information eXchange, Inc. (SWIX)