Waste Management Acquires Oak Grove DisposalBy: Jennifer Hermes
Waste Management has purchased Oak Grove Disposal, a recycling and waste collection company in Oregon.
Clackamass-based Oak Grove Disposal provides services to 10, 000 Milwaukie and Clackamas County residents. These residents will be added to Waste Management’s more than 23, 000 customers in the area, according to the Portland Tribune. Waste Management has been growing its customer base in the area, having recently acquired similar companies; these include Gruetter Sanitary and Trashmasters in Multnomah County.
Earlier this month, Waste Management announced that it had acquired Summit Energy Services and Liquid Logistics, two Williston, North Dakota, energy services companies. The company says the acquisitions will enhance Waste Management’s environmental service offerings to oil and gas industry customers working in the Bakken Shale formation.
Waste Management says it will offer services including roustabout and oil well-site maintenance, road and well-site pad construction, storm water and erosion control management, aggregate crushing and sales, well monitoring pumping and more. Eventually, Waste Management will add offerings such as rig maintenance and tank cleaning, drill cuttings solidification and disposal, based on its oil and gas customers’ needs.
“While we work with oil and gas customers around the country, these acquisitions give us access to an element we haven’t previously served, ” says Harry Lamberton, vice president of energy and environmental services for Waste Management. “They also add expertise that we will use in the other North American regions where we provide environmental services to oil and gas customers.”
In January, Waste Management announced that its subsidiary, WM Recycle America LLC, had acquired Greenstar LLC from NTR plc. The company said the acquisition would provide Waste Management’s customers with greater access to recycling solutions by adding the operations of one of the nation’s largest private recyclers to Waste Management’s recycling network.
In 2012, the acquired operations of Greenstar and its subsidiaries managed approximately 1.5 million tons of recycled material for over 12, 000 customers through 12 material recovery facilities, including seven single-stream plants, and a brokerage business for recovered material. With this acquisition, Waste Management will have capacity to manage approximately 15 million tons annually of recyclable materials for municipal, industrial, and commercial customers.