SUEZ's liquid and hazardous waste service is ideal for customers who generate any form of bulk liquid or sludge waste. Typical generators of this waste stream include restaurants, vehicle or mechanical equipment wash facilities, laboratories, households and any other industrial pit or tank clearing operation.
SUEZ collects, treats and disposes of liquid waste as well as various industrial, hazardous and dangerous goods waste products packaged in containers, drums or bins. All SUEZ liquid and hazardous waste collection and disposal services are compliant with the relevant regulatory bodies.
Waste is conveniently and safely packaged and collected from laboratories, maintenance areas or store rooms and securely transported to licenced disposal and/or recycling facilities.
Liquid waste
SUEZ offers safe collection and disposal services for the removal of a variety of liquid waste products. Waste can be removed via vacuum tanker (bulk liquid) or packaged for safe transportation and disposal. Liquid waste types include:
- Septic tanks
- Grease traps
- Oily Water
- Surfactants
- Wash-waters
- Prescribed waste*
- Sludges
Packaged waste
SUEZ collects and treats various industrial, hazardous and dangerous goods waste streams that are packaged in drums, containers and/or bulka bags. Waste products may be either in a liquid, powder or solid form including:
- Laboratory waste and chemicals
- Medical/Clinical waste
- Contaminated spill kits
- Bituminous products (such as road sealing and asphalt binders, surface treatments, etc)
- Solvents (chlorinated and non-chlorinated) and paint
- Resins
- Inks and dyes
- Oils and greases
- Oil, ink and/or solvent rags
- Photographic waste
- Pesticides
Other types of hazardous waste
In addition to the above waste types, SUEZ also collects and responsibly treats and disposes of:
- Formaldehyde
- Alcohols
- Chemicals (waste chemicals may be either in a liquid, powder or solid form)
- Corrosive substances (acids and caustics)
- Contaminated soils and material
- Quarantine waste
Industrial Pressure Cleaning and Heavy Vacuum Units
SUEZ is able to provide a high pressure cleaning and heavy vacuum loading units (super sucker) service.
High Pressure Cleaning Units
- Commercial and Industrial services
- Variety of functions including tank or pit cleaning, removal of contaminates from flooring, etc
- Equipment capabilities of 40hp to 450hp pumps sets (up to 40, 000psi)
- Tank cleaning heads and nozzles come in various sizes, allowing us to tailor the best cleaning method to clean hard-to-reach areas
Vacuum Loading Vehicles (or Super Suckers)
- Fast and effective removal of various wet and dry waste products
- Increased vacuum loading capacity
- Efficient service, saving on time and labour
- Operators of the high pressure unit and super suckers are trained in entering restricted areas and confined spaces
Vehicles & Containers
All vehicles used by SUEZ to transport liquids, hazardous and dangerous goods are licenced by state regulatory bodies. We are also able to provide containers and drums to store liquid waste, as well as replacement receptacles for containers removed from site.
Analytical Testing
SUEZ offers its customers Analytical Testing and/or Waste Classification Assessments. These services provide customers with the confidence that they are disposing of their waste products legally and responsibly, in accordance with regulatory body requirements. Classifying waste prior to disposal not only ensures compliance, but can also save costs. Our trained segment managers can also assist in the identification of waste.
Waste Tracking
All liquid and hazardous waste is tracked using the relevant regulatory system and waste tracking and disposal reports can be provided for compliance and auditing or statutory requirements.
Risk Management
All special waste types have strict acceptance criteria and require stringent safety handling and disposal methods. SUEZ has dedicated segment managers that have the technical expertise to provide your business with specialist advice to manage your liquid and hazardous waste streams. This guarantee ensures that your business is provided with the highest level of operational safety, quality and compliance with state regulatory requirements.
SUEZ provides a liquid and hazardous waste collection and transportation service using licenced trucks and operators to transport non-controlled, industrial, hazardous and dangerous goods waste products.
In addition, some SUEZ sites are licenced to accept waste streams that require special handling and disposal. These wastes types include prescribed wastes, asbestos, synthetic mineral fibre and dusty wastes.
Want to know more?
For enquiries or more information about our liquid and hazardous waste services, contact our Customer Service Centre on 13 13 35 or complete our .
* Wastes generated from commercial or industrial sources that are potentially hazardous to humans or the environment require a higher level of control and are called ‘prescribed wastes’ or ‘prescribed industrial wastes’.