A world-famous real estate company, Ivanhoe Cambridge wants to position itself as a pioneer in social and environmental responsibility. In this context, the company took many measures to improve its environmental performance, in particular in waste management. Chamard was approached to support the process; more specifically, it had to compile findings and provide strategic recommendations to optimize the WM performance of many buildings including the Eaton Centre, Laurier Québec, Mail Champlain, Carrefour Frontenac, Complexe Les Ailes, CDP Capital Centre, the 1000 De La Gauchetière and many others.
To this end, Chamard first realized detailed diagnostics through surveys and site visits, which led to an exhaustive overview of the forms of waste management in these buildings. Then, a series of waste characterizations were conducted to quantify all types of materials disposed of and recycled in these establishments. The compiled data allowed to formulate recommendations for the optimization of the existing infrastructures and to improve the practices of the staff and the users.