Contact Waste Management at 800-796-9696 for questions or problems with garbage and recycling collection. Please do not set out refuse and recycling earlier than 6 a.m. on the day prior to collection. Remove containers no later than midnight on the day of collection.
Landscape Waste
Yard waste is collected by Waste Management on regularly scheduled collection days seasonally from April 1 through the end of November. Landscape waste must be placed in approved biodegradable landscape waste bags or open garbage cans not larger than 32 gallon capacity. Brush must be cut to 4 foot lengths and bundled with twine or string, not to exceed 50 pounds.
Landscape Drop Off Sites
Landscape Waste Drop-off Sites-Landscape drop off containers are in place at the following locations April 1st through November 30th:
- Fire Station #2 - 1154 South 7th Street
- City Garden Plots, west of Fire Station #3 950 W. Dresser Road
- The southeast corner of North 7th Street and Oak Street
- Dumping of any non-landscape items
- Dumping of any refuse (including yard waste) on the ground
- Dumping by professional landscape contractors
Electronics were banned from landfills in 2012. Electronic Recycling is offered in DeKalb on the first Saturday of each month. For more information:Rewards for Recycling
Would you like to be rewarded for taking care of the environment? Join the Recyclebank program and receive rewards for simply doing what you already do! Click here to learn how to join the Recyclebank program and collecting your rewards.