A claw truck is part of your collection now. The truck drives each route and picks up large yard waste. If for some reason your yard waste is missed, please contact Waste Management at 321-723-4455, palmbayservice@wm.com, or visit their website at www.wm.com.
The rules and recommendations for yard waste pick up in Palm Bay are as follows:
- Yard waste will be picked up on a weekly basis.
- If you put yard waste in a container, it must be no bigger than a 40 gallon container and it should not weigh any more than 50 pounds. You cannot use the recycle container (yellow cover) or garbage container (blue cover) for yard waste.
- Yard waste not in a container like brush, tree limbs, tree trunks, and palm fronds less than six (6) inches in diameter should be cut in lengths no greater that four (4) feet.
- Brush, tree limbs, tree trunks, and palm fronds greater than six (6) inches in diameter should be cut in lengths no greater than two (2) feet.
- No item should exceed fifty (50) pounds in weight.
- Piles of yard waste that are neatly stacked and no larger than what can fit in the size of a full size pick-up truck will be picked up by the weekly yard waste truck.
- Piles of yard waste that are larger than what can fit into the size of a full size pick-up truck, needs to be picked up by the clam shell.If a clam shell truck is required, call Waste Management at 321-723-4455 and request a clam shell pick up. “Be sure to get a work order number”. Do not put the yard waste in the street.It should be put curbside.
- Waste Management will remove the large pile of yard waste within 7 to 10 business days of your call, but will endeavor to remove it in a shorter time, hopefully 3 business days. It is suggested you put your larger piles of yard waste out the day before your scheduled pick up as this will facilitate its removal. If the pile is not removed within 10 business days, call Palm Bay Customer Service at 321-723-4455 and give them the work order number you were given by Waste Management and the day you called it in.
Yard waste is collected the same day as your regular trash and recycling. It will be collected from the front of your property, near the street (or curbside). It should be placed in an area where the equipment used will not damage or destroy existing sod, pavement or other ground cover or material.
Small items such as grass clippings, weed remains, and small pieces of brush are required to be placed in containers and should not be placed in bags of any kind. These items however, should not be placed in City issued carts.
Brush, tree limbs, tree trunks, and palm fronds less than six (6) inches in diameter should be cut in lengths of no greater than four (4) feet.
Brush, tree limbs, tree trunks, and palm fronds greater than six (6) inches in diameter should be cut in lengths no greater than two (2) feet.
No item should exceed fifty (50) pounds in weight.