Phone: (507) 625-5746
1051 Summit Ave.
Mankato, MN 56001
What is Resource Recovery?
A resource recovery system first captures and removes recyclables from the waste stream. After recyclables are removed the waste is further processed into a fuel that is burned to generate e lectricity.
MWPC leading the way. . . .
Did you know more than half of the waste in the United States ends up in landfills? But there are better options available. Instead of your garbage ending up in a hole in the ground - it can become an opportunity to preserve natural resources. Read more about a better disposal option.
Minnesota Waste Processing Company is a fully integrated system for waste management. Our concern for you and the environment extends beyond finding the most profitable way to dispose of waste. We have a waste management system that utilizes state of the art technology to reduce, reuse and recycle waste. Your garbage becomes a resource.
Think Green by using an integrated waste management system.
For Households
No garbage collection service? You can bring your trash to Minnesota Waste Processing Company in Mankato.