Garbage-Trash Services
Waste Services of Florida
(formerly Choice Environmental Services and Central Carting Disposal, Inc.)
PO Box 1947; Dade City, FL
(352) 583-4204
Waste Services of Florida is the solid waste collector for the City of Dade City. Below are a few rules along with other general information. Yard waste is collected along with your household garbage. Recyclables will only be collected on Wednesdays.
Calls for questions or concerns regarding garbage/trash pick-up should be directed to Dade City Public Works at: (352) 523-5051.
Containers should not exceed 50 pounds. Container size should not exceed 32 gallons and must be placed within 4 feet of the curb. Please be sure the container is animal proof, with tight fitting lids. If you have empty boxes, please break them down, and bundle them together. Steel drums or any type of 55 gal drums are not allowed as they are too heavy to lift.
Due to State and County regulations, the following items are not allowed to be mixed with your garbage: tires, used motor oil, lead batteries, medical waste, and white goods.
There are only three holidays on which garbage will not be collected: New Year’s Day, Thanksgiving Day and Christmas Day. If your regular collection day falls on one of the above three holidays, you will be picked up on your next scheduled collection day. There will be regular collection on all other holidays.
Yard waste may be included on your regularly scheduled pick up day. All tree limbs and branches must be less than 4 feet in length and less than 6 inches in diameter. Bagged yard clippings and leaves may be placed at the curbside with your regular trash. Please make sure that they are less than 50 pounds.
Items such as refrigerators, freezers, washers, dryers, and stoves are considered white goods. These items cannot be mixed in with the household trash. Please call Waste Services of Florida to schedule a special pick up. There will be an additional charge for this service.