How and where do I place my Garbage & Recycling Carts?
The wheels of the carts must face your home. Always leave 5 feet between your carts. Place your carts at least 5 feet away from mailboxes, parked cars or other obstacles. Residents should place all garbage in plastic bags prior to putting it in the cart but never bag your recyclables.).
Maintenance/Replacement of Carts
Each Charlotte County resident is responsible for routine maintenance such as keeping the carts clean, removing the carts from the street or lane after collection and storing the carts in a safe place just as they would do with their own garbage cans. Any issues with cart maintenance should be referred to Waste Management at 941.629.1106 or 877.567.2974 from Englewood.
Damaged Carts
Waste Management is our County’s franchise hauler and should be called regarding damaged carts. Please call Waste Management at 941.629.1106 or 877.567.2974 from Englewood.
Missing/Stolen Carts
Waste Management will replace the Cart once at no cost to the resident, subsequent carts will be replaced for the cost of the cart.
Service Day Collections – For Garbage, Recycling & Yard Trimmings
All garbage, recycling and yard trimmings should be placed curbside by 5 a.m. on your collection day. Find what day your garbage, recycling and yard trimmings are picked up: