The FARMS (Farming, Agriculture, and Resource Management for Sustainability) Leadership Program serves 230+ youth from 30 high schools in thirteen California counties. Each student spends an average 35 hours in the field engaging in hands-on experiences at farms, wildlife areas, agriculture related businesses, colleges and universities. We currently run programs at ten sites:
The FARMS Leadership Program provides innovative, hands-on experiences to urban, suburban and rural youth at working farms, agri-businesses and universities. Participants develop leadership skills and learn about agriculture practices that contribute to a healthier ecosystem, and connect to agricultural, environmental, and food system careers.
The core elements of the FARMS Leadership Program:
Working in small groups, students identify and complete a "Community Action Project" based on student interest and an identified community need. Leadership and teambuilding challenges are built into each field day.
College and Career Access
Each FARMS Leadership site visits at least one college or university to learn about college majors, academics, campus life, and career choices available in Agriculture, Environmental Science and related fields.
Students begin to understand the relationship between agriculture and the environment by engaging in hands-on projects, which demonstrate on-farm practices that conserve and help to renew natural resources. They learn about innovative ways farmers are adapting practices to reduce environmental impacts of farming, maintain the viability of family farms and feed an increasing population.