Dr. Andrew Simone is a direct man who gets right to the point: Close to one billion people around the world are hungry or malnourished, he says, but most Canadians don’t see it.
But he’s seen hunger, close up. And as a doctor, he’s seen its effects on health in terms of disease, blindness, stunted growth and delayed development. It’s something you don’t forget, he adds. Especially in children.
That is why Dr. Simone and his wife Joan have dedicated their lives to feeding hungry children around the world through an organization they founded called Canadian Food For Children.
Egg Farmers of Canada has been involved with the Simones right from the start. It’s a partnership that has bettered the lives of thousands, if not millions, of children over the last three decades.
The partnership is a testament to the power of the humble egg – and to the strong commitment of Egg Farmers of Canada to social responsibility by, among other things, fostering…
Heart for Africa brought hope to an entire community when they broke ground on their large-scale farming project in 2009 and invited the international agriculture community to work alongside to find a solution to hunger in Swaziland.
The growing multi-commodity farm and community provides food, care and education to more than 100 abandoned children who live on-site, and employment and training to 280 Swazis who operate the farm and care for the children.
“The children arrived at Heart for Africa because they have no place to go, ” explains Fred Krahn, an egg farmer from Abbotsford, British Columbia who is volunteering his time to help plan the design of Heart for Africa’s layer operation in rural Swaziland.
Fred visited the operation just over a year ago to learn about Swaziland, Heart for Africa and the farm. He explains that this southern African country, that shares boarders with Mozambique and South Africa, has one of the highest HIV/AIDS…
Taking part in #CrackingHunger is fun and easy
Starting on October 26, 2015, use your social media channels to inform, engage and motivate new supporters. Share our message and help us raise funds to support Heart for Africa’s egg barn by:
- Using the #CrackingHunger hashtag in your tweets and Facebook posts
- Retweeting @eggsoeufs and re-sharing our Facebook posts about #CrackingHunger
- Encouraging your network and followers to make a donation
Funds raised from #CrackingHunger will purchase…
Agriculture is a pillar of Canada’s economy, contributing billions of dollars to our GDP and sustaining hundreds of thousands of jobs across the country. Most farms in Canada are family-owned and farmers are deeply rooted in and committed to their communities and country.
Open markets and globalization influence many issues in agriculture, including food sovereignty, our ability to ‘buy local, ’ food affordability, supply stability and the urban/rural divide. We believe it is important to take the time to consider these issues and with them, discus the importance of maintaining a vibrant Canadian agriculture sector for generations to come.
Join Canada’s dairy, poultry and egg industries, moderator Carl Meyer, and academic and policy experts for breakfast, networking, and a panel discussion on Canada’s food system in changing times on August 26, 2015 at the Delta City Centre.
Event panelists include:
…“Our goal is to have pullets in the barn in December and egg production in place in the New Year, ” says Tim Lambert, CEO of Egg Farmers of Canada and Vice-Chair of the International Egg Commission.
The first phase of construction is underway at the Project Canaan farm in rural Swaziland. The poultry barns’ location is being cleared of trees, brush and rocks and in the coming weeks the site will be leveled and the foundations put in place.
“There will be two barns to start. Each barn will house 2, 500 hens, ” he says. “Our intention is to work with local farmers to grow the operation and expand it over time to include up to 30, 000 hens.”
He points to a photo and traces an outline of two parallel rectangular shapes and a square. “This is where the barns will be. The smaller area will be an office and staff accommodations.”