Monthly Cost
The standard service package is $21.15 per month and includes a 96-gallon trash cart, a 96-gallon recycling cart, weekly collection of unlimited amounts of trash and yard waste, every other week collection of unlimited amounts of recycling, weekly collection of bulky items and Christmas tree removal in January.
Senior & Disabled Discount
Households consisting of no more than two persons in which the head of the household is 65 years of age or older, are eligible to receive a $3.10 monthly discount. Proof of age, consisting of a copy of the head of household’s drivers license or government identification card must be submitted to Waste Management to obtain the discount.
Disabled residents are also eligible for the discount by submitting a copy of their disability card.
Weekly collection of trash is included in the standard service rate of $21.15 per month. Trash must be placed in the provided 96-gallon mobile cart, a standard 32-gallon trash can with handles or in tied plastic bags. All containers must have tight-fitting lids and be rodent proof. All cans, bags, and carts must weigh less than 75 pounds each.
There is no limit on the number of containers each resident may place at the curb or alley for collection.
Bulky Items
Weekly collection of one bulky item is included in the standard service rate of $21.15 per month. The bulky item will be picked up on your normal collection day.
Bulky trash is defined as all types of solid waste that cannot be placed into a 32-gallon trash can or 96-gallon mobile cart, but can be carried to the curb by two persons, and does not exceed 150 pounds. Bulky trash includes such things as household equipment and furniture. It does not include automobile parts or components, batteries, tires, computers, appliances and household hazardous waste items.