Waste Management Harrisburg PA

June 30, 2023

Mathematics Olympiad Training

The Harrisburg Department of Public Works is comprised of several divisions including: Sanitation (solid waste & recycling); Highway (street maintenance, sweeping, plowing); Demolition (removing blighted properties); Traffic Engineering (signs, signals, & streetlights); Parks Maintenance (mowing, tree trimming, plowing); Vehicle Management (maintaining city’s fleet); City Engineering (large city infrastructure projects)

The Department of Public Works maintains public infrastructure, manages municipal solid waste collection and ensures a healthy, safe and natural environment. We are committed to providing efficient and effective high quality customer service to the citizens and visitors of Harrisburg.

Bridges, Streets, Parks, and Trails
The Department of Public Works builds and maintains parks, streets, sidewalks, and bridges; and maintains greenway trails throughout Harrisburg. DPW bolsters neighborhood pride, protects our investment in infrastructure and promotes the safe, efficient movement of people, vehicles and goods.

Protecting Your Environment
The Department of Public Works monitors and protects the environment in the City of Harrisburg with help from our residents and visitors. DPW responds to questions and concerns on a number of topics including, but not limited to, air and water pollution, open burning, illegal discharges, and water quality.

Source: harrisburgpa.gov

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