Waste Management New Plymouth

June 29, 2016

The team at Waste Management

Recycling lorryTOP TASKS

Find my collection day

Enter your postcode or your street name to find out when your usual scheduled rubbish and recycling collection is.

Recycling centres

Weston Mill and Chelson Meadow Household Waste Recycling Centres.


Recycle from home, recycle at school, recycling for students and recycling banks.


Rubbish collection, bulky waste/large item collection, rubbish disposal, clinical waste, fly tipping, asbestos, hypodermic needles and dead animals.

Composting and garden waste

Garden waste collection, composting at home, garden waste at recycling centres and schools composting.


Reducing your waste helps to solve the waste problem - by not creating the rubbish in the first place. Get some tips on how to cut down on the amount of rubbish you produce.

Business and trade waste

If you run a business, you are able to choose who provides your waste collection service and you are directly responsible for ensuring that your waste is disposed of properly.

Van/trailer permits

Plymouth residents who own a private van (weighing less than 3.5 tonnes laden) or a trailer (up to a maximum 3 metres in length) may apply for a permit to dispose of their own personal household waste.

Reuse and refurbishment

There are several different organisations in the Plymouth area that will take items so they can be reused.

Frequently asked questions

Waste collection frequently asked questions.

South West Devon Waste Partnership

Plymouth City Council, Devon County Council and Torbay Council have formed a partnership to deliver a long-term solution to deal with the waste from the south west Devon area that cannot be recycled, re-used or composted.

Statistics and strategy

Waste statistics for the last four years and our Municipal Waste Management Strategy.
Source: www.plymouth.gov.uk

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