Waste Management of Arizona (WMAZ) provides waste and recycling services to thousands of customers throughout the state. Our employees provide residential and business trash pick-up, roll-off services, residential/business recycling, and Port-O-Lets for construction sites and events. WMAZ employs nearly 1, 000 employees statewide and services nearly 500, 000 customers throughout Arizona. WMAZ is dedicated to providing excellent customer service to our customers and communities. We strive to increase awareness of environmental issues in Arizona, and we will continue to be good stewards of our great state.
Transfer Stations
WMAZ operates several transfer stations and landfills in Arizona. A transfer station is a temporary storage facility where waste is unloaded from collection vehicles before being transferred to larger trucks for shipment to landfills. Some of our transfer stations also sort recyclable materials before they are sent to a Materials Recovery Facility (MRF).
Our landfills are designed with the environment in mind. We employ state-of-the-art technology, including advanced liners, leachate collections systems, ground water monitoring, and gas control equipment. All of these tools allow our landfills to operate efficiently, while ensuring environmental integrity. Each facility is carefully maintained to meet or exceed federal, state, and local regulations. What’s in a Landfill
What's New
Innovative Ideas from WM (videos)
* Solar Powered Trash Compactors
* GreenOps Reverse Vending Machines
Please contact Customer Service for more information
Customer Service
Phone: (800) 796-9696Hours of Operation
Mon-Fri 8:00am-5:00pmRELATED VIDEO