Garbage Collection in the Urban Services District (former City of Louisville boundaries)
The Solid Waste Management Services Division collects garbage from residential buildings having eight or fewer units, condominiums, and small businesses generating less than six containers of garbage per week. All household garbage must be placed in the roll-out cart that is provided to residents at no charge. A serial number printed on the cart associates it with a specific address where it must remain if a resident moves, and the cart remains the property of Louisville Metro.
Collection Schedule
- Residential garbage is collected once per week on a Monday-Friday schedule.
- Garbage must be set at the curb or the alley no later than 6 AM on collection day, but no earlier than 4 PM the day before collection day.
- All containers must be removed from the street or alley no later than 4 PM the day after collection.
- There is no garbage collection on Metro Government holidays.
- When a holiday falls on a weekday, all collections for that day (garbage, yard waste, and recyclables) will occur the following day. All collections for the remainder of the week are delayed for one day.
Garbage Guidelines
- Cart must be placed at the edge of the curb or alley at least three feet from other carts, buildings or objects.
- Do not block sidewalks.
- The top arrow on the cart must point toward the street.
- All items must be inside cart.
- Maximum cart weight load is 200 pounds.
- Lid of cart must be kept closed.
- Animal waste should be placed in a plastic bag prior to placing it in the cart.
- Human waste is not permitted.
- Syringes should be placed in a rigid container with a tight-fitting lid prior to placement in the cart.
- Household hazardous waste (including medical waste), or liquid paint is not permitted.
- Broken glass should be containerized before being put into the cart.
Metro Government Holidays
New Year's Day
Martin Luther King Jr. Day
Memorial Day
Independence Day
Labor Day
Thanksgiving Day
Christmas Day
Suburban Garabage Collection
Collection of garbage, yard waste and recycling outside the Urban Services District varies by location. The City of Shively provides collection services for its residents. In other small cities within Jefferson County, the city administrator has information on which private hauler is used. Residents of unincorporated areas must contract directly with private waste collection companies.