LEXINGTON, Ky. (WTVQ) – Lexington’s Division of Waste Management will adjust its collection schedule for the upcoming Christmas and New Year’s Day holidays. For Christmas Eve and Christmas Day, residents and businesses that normally receive Thursday or Friday curbside pick-up will be serviced the Wednesday before the holidays. For New Year’s Day, only residents and businesses that are regularly serviced on Friday will be impacted; Thursday collection will follow the normal schedule. Friday customers will receive curbside pickup the Wednesday before New Year’s Day.
Those impacted by the holiday collection schedule should place their carts out on the Tuesday of the holiday week after 4 p.m. to ensure collection on the Wednesday preceding the holiday.
If normal service day falls on: Service day will be:
Christmas Eve (Thursday, Dec. 24) Wednesday, Dec. 23
Christmas Day (Friday, Dec. 25) Wednesday, Dec. 23
New Year’s Day (Friday, Jan. 1) Wednesday, Dec. 30
Residents with City waste collection can dispose of their Christmas tree by placing it on the curb the evening before their regular collection day. All decorations, ornaments and lights must be removed. Natural trees will be taken to the City’s composting facility where they will be converted into mulch. Artificial Christmas trees will be sent to the landfill or can be donated to Habitat for Humanity ReStore. Tree collection will start December 28th and will run through mid-January. Natural wreathes, garland and gourds may be placed in the gray yard waste cart.
Fayette County residents can recycle holiday lights, computers, televisions and small appliances at the City’s Electronic Recycling Center located at 1306 Versailles Road. Learn more at .
Lexington-Fayette Urban County Government offices will be closed on Christmas Eve, Christmas Day and New Year’s Day. The City’s Recycling Center, Electronics Recycling Center and Haley Pike Waste Management Facility will also be closed on these holidays as well as the Saturdays following the holidays.