NORM Management - Flyer
Automatic Semi Truck Wash - Flyer
Kalkaska Transfer Station
American Recycling
Traverse City Transfer Station
Northern A-1 Services offers waste disposal options for all hazardous and non-hazardous waste streams. Northern A-1 operates a fully permitted Non-Hazardous Processing Plant that consists of 4 in ground storage and processing vaults with approved secondary containment for solidification and 4 above ground collection tanks for Used Oils. The Solidification process consists of adding dry reagents such as lime, fly ash, cement, or other pozzolonic materials to solidify waste streams and prepare them for landfill in a Type II Municipal Solid Waste Landfill. The Used Oil Collection method is an Oil/Water separation system.
Wastes may be accepted in containers such as drums, boxes, bags, etc., or in bulk shipments including tankers, roll-offs, dump trailers, etc. All hazardous waste streams are safely transported to RCRA permitted treatment facilities. Wastes shipped on-site or off-site are in compliance with USDOT and MDOT regulations.
Northern A-1 Services offers transportation of Hazardous and Non-Hazardous materials by bulk, drum, or roll-off containers. Northern A-1 is licensed under the Michigan Department of Environmental Quality Uniform Program Credentials for Liquid Industrial Waste and the Alliance for HAZMAT Transportation. All transportation activities are in accordance with Michigan Department of Transportation and Michigan Department of Environmental Quality.