Study of laws and agencies devoted to consumer protection; the investigation of consumer crimes, including product counterfeiting, consumer frauds/scams, false advertising, adulterated food, dangerous drugs and devices, and quackery; and college students, veterans, immigrants, and seniors as consumer crime victims.
Letter grade only (A-F) Same course as CRJU 307. Not open for credit to students with credit in CRJU 307.
309. The Consumer in the Legal and Economic Environment (3)
Prerequisites: GE Foundation requirements; completion of one or more Exploration courses; upper division standing.
Incorporates an integrated coverage of the economic, legal, ethical and regulatory environment of consumers in avoiding and resolving disputes regarding fraudulent transactions, financial matters, personal and real property contracts, torts, credit and investment issues, and family relationships. Team taught.
(Lecture-discussion 3 hours) Same course as FIN 309 and BLAW 309. Not open for credit to students with credit in FIN 309 or BLAW 309.
321. Family and Consumer Resource Management (3)
Prerequisites: GE Foundation requirements, one or more Exploration courses, and upper division standing.
Basic management principles applied to personal and family settings. Examines role of values, goal formation, decision-making, planning, implementing, and evaluation of managerial behavior in diverse family and cultural settings.
Letter grade only (A-F). (Lecture-discussion 3 hours)
322. Family Housing and the Urban Community (3)
Prerequisites: Upper-division standing.
Critical analysis of family housing in urban community including aspects of shelter, city and service providers. Sociological, psychological, legislative, economic and technical factors investigated. Special attention given to families of various structures and socioeconomic background.
(Discussion 3 hours)
388. Technological Literacy (3)
Prerequisites: GE Foundation requirements, upper division standing, ENGL 100 or GE Composition (Area A1).
Exploration of technological concepts and their impact on individuals, society and culture. Technology as a human adaptive system and its relationship to sociological and ideological systems.
Letter grade only (A-F). (Discussion 3 hours.)
420. Personal Finance for the Aging (3)
Prerequisites: 400-level course in Consumer Affairs or consent of instructor.
Personal finance as applied to the aging population.
Same course as GERN 420. Not open for credit to students with credit in GERN 420. (Lecture-discussion 3 hours)
422. Housing Policies: Public and Private (3)
Prerequisites: CAFF 322, upper division standing or consent of instructor.
Federal, state, and local policies, programs and legislation concerning housing and urban development. Analysis of the housing industry and its influence on the consumer market.
Letter grade only (A-F). (Discussion 3 hours)
425. Personal Financial Planning Analysis (3)
Prerequisite: CAFF 223 or consent of instructor.
Analysis and protection of personal and family resources; planning and forecasting goals; development of financial strategies utilizing insurance, investment, tax management, pensions, wills and trusts.
(Lecture-discussion 3 hours)
426. Family Financial Problems (3)
Prerequisite: CAFF 223 or consent of instructor.
Theory and practice in the diagnosis of family financial crises; selecting alternative solutions; constructing practical methods for the prevention of family financial problems.
(Discussion 2 hours, laboratory 3 hours)
427. Consumer Dynamics (3)
Prerequisites: Students must have scored 11 or higher on the GWAR Placement Examination or successfully completed the necessary portfolio course that is a prerequisite for a GWAR Writing Intensive Capstone.
Examination and analysis of consumer motivation, demand, and behavior. Consumers in the global marketplace. Exploration of individual, family, and household dynamics that influence decision making. This is an intensive writing course.
Letter grade only (A-F).
429. Consumer Protection (3)
Prerequisites: Upper Division course in consumer affairs or consent of instructor.
Concepts of consumer protection with analysis of a myriad of resources available for individuals and families with consumer problems.
(Seminar 3 hours)
492C. Internship in Consumer Affairs (3)
Prerequisite: Student must be a Family and Consumer Sciences: Consumer Affairs major; have senior standing; approval of a faculty advisor in Consumer Affairs; or consent of instructor.
Field experience in which student assumes a preprofessional role in a professional setting. Objectives developed by student with supervisor must be approved by major advisor and form the basis for evaluation.