Waste Management makes it easy for Manhattan Beach residents to dispose of and recycle home-generated waste – including household hazardous waste – safely, easily, and responsibly.
Our At Your Door Special Collection provides you with unlimited front-porch service to remove the difficult, sometimes hazardous and hard-to-recycle items almost every household accumulates.
If not handled properly, hazardous waste materials may be hazardous to people, pets and the environment. Thanks to our vast infrastructure and partnerships, we are able to recycle as much as 75% of all items collected, reclaiming valuable resources for the benefit of your community and the environment. Click here to see a list of acceptable items.
How it Works
Collect your household’s hazardous waste in the bag and place it on the front porch or near the garage. Multi-family participants can designate a safe place at their building where the waste can be collected (never at the curb).
On the established pickup date, a WM At Your Door technician will arrive, remove the waste, and safely contain it in our specially designed trucks. Once the waste is collected Waste Management technicians work to responsibly manage the waste and recycle as much as possible.
PLEASE NOTE: At Your Door Special Collection does not accept drugs of any kind, including over-the-counter medicines or other pharmaceutical products.
Please contact WM Customer Service at (310) 830-7100 to receive a postage pre-paid pharmaceutical mail back bag for safe disposal of all non-controlled pharmaceuticals.
All cities in California are required to divert at least 50% of their waste from landfills and into recycling programs. Recycling in single-family residents is on track to meet this goal, but the average multi-family complex only diverts between 3%-5%!
Waste Management’s Multi-Family recycling program is an easy way to get your building on track, and increase diversion and sustainability in Manhattan Beach – and best of all, it is FREE!