Farm Animals are animals that breed on the farm. Animals on the farm are bred for many purposes. Cows and goats provide us with nutritious milk and meat, chickens give us eggs and meat, sheep provides us with wool that can be used for clothing, and meat, pigs give us bacon and pork, ducks can be turned in to a juicy duck roast, besides laying eggs, and horses are used for working, sports and leisure activities. However all the animals on the farm are not just bred to provide us with provisions, materials or help. They are also wonderful pets and give us a lot of pleasure. Some of the animals also look after other animals, just like the lovely Llamas. Information on farm animals will help us know a lot of interesting information about your favorite farm animal. You will also discover and learn about the life of animals that stay on a farm.
Here's a list of a few animals found on farms:
- Chickens: Chickens are domestic birds. They are raised basically for eggs. There are around 150 breeds of chickens found in the world, which come in a lot of colors and pattern. With so much of variety, it is assumed that that are more chickens in the world than people. Chickens cannot fly.
- Cows: In olden times cows were used to help humans. However they are now basically used to provide us milk, cheese, and other dairy products. They are also used for meat and leather hide.
- Ducks: Ducks are normally found in places where there is water, such as rivers, ponds and streams. Owing to this they are also called as "waterfowls". They swim with their webbed feet.
- Goats: Goats can survive and progress anywhere. They are strong and tough beasts.
- Horses: Horses are mammals and belong to the same family of zebras, mules and donkeys. They are very quick and strong. Horses are used for trekking, sports and work.
- Pigs: Pigs are clean animals. They roll in the mud to keep themselves cool. They walk only on two toes of each foot. This looks like they are walking tip toe.
- Sheep: Sheep are grazing animals that are very timid and interesting. They can be bred for meat and wool or also kept as pets.
- Llamas: Llamas originated in North America and then later moved to South America. They make brilliant pets. They also look after young ones of other species of animals.
Some interesting facts about farm animals:
- Pigs do not have sweat glands. White pigs can burn easily in the sun
- There are four natural paces of a horse's movement. This includes, walking, trotting, cantering and galloping
- Cows have very strong smell sense. They can detect odor which is up to 5 miles away
- A female duck is called a hen, whereas a male duck is called a drake. Ducks can detect predators in less than a second. They sleep with one of their eye open