Waste Management of Iowa is the official garbage and yard waste hauler for the residents of Clive. Any questions or comments you have regarding your garbage service should be addressed directly to Waste Management at (515) 265-5267.
Waste Management is also the recycling hauler for the residents of Clive. Questions or comments on recycling can be addressed at 515-24-GREEN ((515) 244-7336).
- If you reside WEST of I-35/80, trash pickup is on Thursday.
- If you reside EAST of I-35/80, trash pickup is on Friday.
Sign up to receive news and updates from Metro Waste Authority. You will be notified directly about disruptions or sudden changes affecting your recycling and garbage collection. The updates can be requested by accessing the Metro Waste Authority website, by clicking on the Sign Up button.
Charges and Collection
The current monthly charge for garbage service including recycling effective July 1, 2012:
- $11.45 for curbside collection
- $17.45 for house side collection
- $11.80 for curbside collection
- $18.00 for house side collection
If there are too many trash bags to fit in the toter, extra trash pick up tags must be applied. These stickers are $1.00 each and may be purchased at Clive City Hall or Hy-Vee.
Large items for pick-up must be placed at the curb. A large item sticker must be attached to the item. These stickers are $5.00 each and may be purchased at Clive City Hall or Hy-Vee. Seven large-item stickers (totaling $35) are required for appliance disposal. Contact Waste Management at (515) 265-5267 to arrange for large item pick up or to confirm if more than one sticker is needed for a particular item.
Special accommodations are available for handicapped residents upon request. Please contact the City at (515) 867-5199.
Metro Waste Authority (MWA) implemented the Curb It! Recycling Program in 1994. The initial purpose of the program was to assist the Polk County area in meeting the state's recycling mandate requirements, which say that every community in Iowa must provide some type of recycling opportunities to its residents. The Curb It! Program helps residents recycle more than 18, 000 tons of material each year. Since the program began, it has kept more than 15, 000 garbage trucks from going to the landfill.
The Curb It! Recycle and Roll program makes it easy to recycle. Recyclables are picked up every other week on your normal garbage pick-up day. Match the color of your recycling cart lid to the designated color on the sticker to determine the pick-up schedule.
There are two sizes of carts available. The recommended size is a 96-gallon container, and a 48-gallon container which must be pre-ordered.
Waste Management of Iowa is the company that will pick up recyclables at the curb. If your recyclables do not get picked up, your cart is damaged, or you have other cart issues, contact Waste Management at (515) 244-7336. For a complete guide about recycling, please click here.
Key things to remember:
- On your designated recycling day, place your Curb It! recycling cart within 18 inches of the curb with the short metal bar facing the street.
- Do not place the cart near low hanging branches.
- Place the cart at least 6 feet away from mailboxes, lamp posts and other permanent structures.
- Yard waste bags and other large items should be 3 to 6 feet away from your cart.
- Placing the cart in your driveway reduces the likelihood that access to it will be blocked by vehicles, landscaping or snow.
- Close the lid prior to pick-up. The lid must be closed in order for the recyclables to be collected.
- You are encouraged to put your Curb It! recycling cart out prior to 7:00 a.m. on collection day in order to avoid a missed pick-up.
Sign up to receive news and updates from Metro Waste Authority. You will be notified directly about disruptions or sudden changes affecting your recycling and garbage collection. The updates can be requested by accessing Metro Waste Authority website, and clicking on the Sign Up button in the lower right corner under Email Updates.