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This memo provides guidance on the application of direct exposure soil cleanup target levels (SCTLs) at sites undergoing cleanup in accordance with Chapter 62-780, F.A.C. It clarifies division procedures with regard to management of soil at different depths and appropriate methods for addressing site closure requirements for soil. Storage Tank Registration Initiative & Waiver Period for Emergency Generators (Posted 3/17/14)Many facilities in Florida have added standby or backup generators to their sites to increase their emergency preparedness in the last several or more years. Many of those emergency generators are unregistered, but, have larger fuel tanks that meet the requirements for registration with the Department. The Department is undertaking an outreach initiative to provide basic information and to increase tank registrations where needed for facilities with emergency generators. For a limited time, the Department is also waiving back registration and late fees when you initially register any unregistered emergency generator tanks by June 30, 2014. For more information, please see the information and announcements on the Storage Tanks Compliance Assistance web page. It has come to my attention that some contractors are proceeding to execute change orders without prior approval of site managers in contracted counties. I want to be perfectly clear on this issue: a contractor that unilaterally decides to perform services outside of the scope of an approved work order without getting PRIOR approval from its client: the Petroleum Restoration Program (PRP), does it at its own financial risk. Every change order must have prior approval from the PRP. We are tracking every approved change order since that element has a substantial bearing on the contractor’s encumbrance balance in the Relative Capacity Index algorithm. In addition, it has also come to my attention that some contractors have let their worker compensation insurance policies lapse therefore continue to perform rehabilitation work at their own financial risk. Until worker’s comp policy renewal proof is submitted, these are unqualified contractors and will not be assigned any work by the Department until proof of their insurance policy renewal is submitted to the PRP. I strongly encourage the contractor community to make sure this issue is fully addressed before our transition to Agency Term Contractors finishes on or about March 1, 2014. Sincerely,
Public Notification of Discovery of ContaminationDEP is expanding its Public Notification process to advise property owners if pollution has been found on their property or in their neighborhood. The sites that were under assessment when the pollution was found are listed on the Property Owner Notification of Discovery of Pollution. |
Rulemaking Underway