Welcome to Waste Management of Alameda County, Inc. We provide garbage, recycling and composting services for homes and businesses throughout the Bay Area.
From reliable residential and commercial collection to our impressive recycling centers to our environmentally sound landfills and award-winning composting facility, we are dedicated to excellent customer service and waste prevention.
Waste Management uses state-of-the-art equipment, innovative technology, and economies of scale to ensure dependable, cost-effective services. Strongly committed to protecting our environment, we are actively involved in the communities we serve. We Think Green!
Waste Management of Alameda County, Inc. is dedicated to giving back to the communities we serve. In 2013, Waste Management of Alameda County, Inc. hosted the annual Waste Management Charity Golf Tournament, raising more than $500, 000 for local charities. Our participation spans from event sponsorship and employee volunteers to WM EarthCare donations and collaboration on sustainable solutions.