For more information on the ban and to find a reputable electronics recycler near you, please refer to the resources under “Electronics Recycling” in the right hand column.
The Weld County Code (WCC), Section 23-4-380 is the only section of the WCC that pertains to solid waste operations. However, Weld County does require facilities to comply with the permit requirements described below.
A compost or solid waste facility is required to obtain one or both of two types of permits. Depending upon the type of waste disposal, handling, treatment, or processing facility, a Use by Special Review (U.S.R.) permit and/or certificate of designation (C.D.) must be obtained. Anyone operating a facility for solid waste disposal where processing, treatment, storage, or final disposal of solid waste is performed, must obtain a C.D. Examples of such facilities include municipal solid waste landfills, certain private solid waste landfills, some composting facilities, and waste incinerators. The siting, permitting and regulation of solid waste disposal sites is an area of dual jurisdiction between, Hazardous Materials and Waste Management Division (the Division) and Weld County.
The Weld County Health Department interacts with compost and solid waste facilities through the receipt of complaints, the land use planning process for facilities having a Use by Special Review (USR) Permit from the Planning Department, site inspections, and investigations. For further information concerning the land use planning process, you can contact the at 970-353-6100.
One's Own Waste Rule
Some people think that if you don't dispose of anyone else's waste but your own, you are not required to follow the Solid Waste Rules and Regulations from the Colorado Department of Public Health and the Environment. However, they are wrong. What this exemption means is that if your property is meeting the minimum standards of the regulations, if a person disposes of his/her waste on his/her own property (and is not a governmental unit), he or she may not have to obtain a certificate of designation.
The minimum standards of the regulations require such things as:
- taking reasonable measures to collect, contain and dispose of litter;
- ensuring noise, dust, and odors don't pose a health hazard;
- managing the site so that birds, insects, rodents and other vectors don't pose a health hazard:
- providing adequate cover so that water does not pond on the site, and that wind erosion and/or water pollution does not become a problem.
The minimum standards also contain a requirement that a facility or property shall submit a design and operations report to Weld County and The Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment for review and approval prior to disposing waste.