Our livestock business management option targets careers in production agriculture in an agricultural business. This option is for students with a strong interest in livestock management at all levels. Tailored after the Farm and Ranch Management Option it allows students to gain significant depth in Animal Science classes.
This option is for students with a strong interest in livestock management at all levels. Tailored after the Farm and Ranch Management Option it allows students to gain significant depth in Animal Science classes. Students take 36 credit hours in the Biological Science curriculums to earn a Minor in Animal Science Veterinary Science Minor [plus LIFE 101 and CHEM 100, which count as SB and SE]. Students take 27 credit hours in the far right column for the Livestock Option WITHOUT MINOR.
Departmental Checklist
The departmental checklists allow students to monitor and identify their progress in completing the degree, both for the University requirements for a Bachelors of Science degree and Departmental requirements. The Checklist is divided into two columns, the University Studies Column that outlines what every student on campus must complete, and the Agribusiness column. To get a degree here both areas must be satisfied. Click here for a more complete description of University Studies Program.
The appropriate checklist will vary depending upon when a student enters the University of Wyoming or a Wyoming Community College. The checklist represents a commitment that we make to the student based upon when they enroll. While it is natural to have changes and modifications as we find better ways to design programs the student is only committed to the checklist that they enter the program under. The student may voluntarily progress to a new program and associated checklist if the new list is more interesting or fits program better. Otherwise we work with students on the version that best fits their time of entrance.