The College of Agricultural Engineering was established in the year 1964 as one of the constituent colleges of the Punjab Agricultural University, Ludhiana with the objective of catering to the teaching, research and extension needs of the State of Punjab in the discipline of Agricultural Engineering. Through a generous grant from the Ford Foundation in its early stages of inception, the College was able to establish the undergraduate programme and develop prescribed courses & laboratories and train the faculty abroad in various reputed institutions. The College now has excellent training facilities in the field of undergraduate and postgraduate education. Because of the high quality of training imparted by the College, quite a large number of the graduates of the College have been picked up by National/International organisations and are presently occupying prestigious positions in these various organizations.
During the last over three decades of its existence, the College has developed several new technologies for the benefit of farmers and entrepreneurs of the State. In addition to imparting education, the College has also played a leading role in solving the problems of the farmers and the industry by undertaking problem-oriented research and speedy technology transfer. In recognition of its outstanding contributions, a prestigious programme by way of a Centre of Advanced Studies in ‘Postgraduate Teaching and Research in Agricultural Engineering’ was launched at the college by the United Nations Development programme and the Indian Council of Agricultural Research in 1974. The college further received another recognition by way of getting a prestigious programme on Centre of Advanced Studies on Energy Management in Agriculture by the prestigious FAO/UNDP and ICAR in 1984. The notable achievements of the College were also recognized at the national level when the Federation of Indian Chambers of Commerce and Industry Award was received in 1975. In addition, a Centre of Advanced Studies in Agricultural Engineering (Farm Power & Machinery) was also sanctioned by the I.C.A.R. during the 8th Five Year Plan.