Residential Garbage Collection service is billed monthly on a combined utility bill with water, sewer, and stormwater services. The bill is issued by your water service provider.
Residential Garbage Collection Services are activated and stopped through your water service provider when you open or close your utility account.
Garbage service is mandatory at any occupied residence and billed as long as the water account is open. Services are provided by two private companies in the City of Stockton:
Customers with GREEN-bodied carts are services by Waste Management.
(209) 946-5711
Customers with BROWN-bodied carts are serviced by Allied Waste.
(209) 466-3604
Your garbage service provider is determined by the location of your residence. To determine which provider services your residence or your pick up day please visit About Your Address.
Please contact your garbage service provider to:
- report a missed pick up
- change the size of a garbage toter on an established account, or
- report other service problems.