Our mission
The Mission of the City of Springfield's Solid Waste Management Division is to provide an Integrated Solid Waste Management System for Springfield and Greene County that is environmentally sound and economically feasible which represents a long-term solution to preserve the natural resources of the region for present and future generations.
Springfield's Integrated Solid Waste Management System (ISWMS)
Springfield's voter approved integrated solid waste management system consists of a variety of successful programs and services, including:
Curbside Recycling
Curbside recycling is an easy, convenient method of recycling provided through all Springfield waste haulers.
Household Chemical Collection Center
Springfield's Household Chemical Collection Center (HCCC) opened in 1994 as one of the first year-round facilities of its kind in Missouri. The HCCC accepts household-generated chemical waste for recycling and/or proper disposal.
Information and Education Program
The City of Springfield provides community education and awareness of recycling benefits, environmental stewardship, and sustainability through various activities.
Market Development
Springfield is committed to local economic and market development, through product supply development, end user identification and materials exchange. The Sustainability group also works with the City's Economic Development staff and the Springfield Area Chamber of Commerce to target and encourage businesses who utilize recyclables and sustainable business procedures.
Recycling Centers
The City of Springfield provides recycling centers open year-around and located through out Springfield where area residents can drop off their yardwaste and recyclables.
Sanitary Landfill
The Springfield Sanitary Landfill provides efficient, reliable, and environmentally secure disposal of municipal solid wastes and other non-hazardous materials. Springfield is continuing to focus on reducing its solid waste stream through precycling, recylcling, reuse, and numerous other means; however, the Springfield Sanitary Landfill remains a vital part of the solid waste management plain in Springfield.
Yardwaste Recycling Center
The Yardwaste Recycling Center (YRC), located in the southwest corner of Springfield, is an efficient and convenient location for Springfield/Greene County residents to drop off their yardwaste and brush and purchase high grade wood mulch and compost products in bulk or bag sizes.
FundingSpringfield's voter-approved Integrated Solid Waste Management System is funded by revenues generated from tipping fees at the City's Sanitary Landfill as well as several new revenue sources, including the sale of yardwaste compost and mulch products, grants, honor system fees, and donations.