All household trash must fit into the wheeled toters supplied by WM. Recycle bins will be picked up as well. Any residence may use as many recycle bins asnecessary to accommodate, paper, cans, glass, and bottles. WM does preferto have the paper separate, but the bottles, glass and cans can be co-mingled into one recycle bin. If you have any normal household garbage that is not recyclable anddoes not fit into the toters, you must buy a sticker at the tax office, $1.75 per 30 gallon bag.
What items does the City recycle?
Cardboard, glass jars & bottles, magazines, metal cans, mixed paper, newspapers, phonebooks, and #1 & #2 plastics. Waste Management also picks up recycables. For specific questions about Rochester's Curbside Recycling Guidelines please click here or call them directly at 332-2386.
Bulky Waste:
Hours of operation for the Rochester Residential Drop off at Waste Management, on the Rochester Neck Road are: Monday, Wednesday, Friday and Saturday 8am till 3pm. Rochester residents may bring mattresses, furniture, appliances, (not fridges), TV's, Tires, light construction debris and all recycling at anytime during these hours.
If you cannot get it to the landfill, bulky items are picked up the 2nd FULL week of the month (a full week starts with Sunday) ON YOUR REGULAR TRASH DAY. Waste Management will NOT pick up any electronics or appliances curbside at any time; these items will need to be brought to the landfill.
2016 Schedule, Weeks Starting:
- Jan 11
- Feb 15
- Mar 14
- Apr 11
- May 9
- Jun 13
- Jul 11
- Aug 15
- Sep 12
- Oct 10
- Nov 14
- Dec 12
Leaf and Yard Waste:
Spring and fall leaf pick up is scheduled with Waste Management of NH each year. There are two scheduled weeks in the spring and two scheduled weeks in the fall. The dates are posted in advance on the City Web site and on the Channel 26. We also advertise the dates in the Foster's Daily Democrat and the Rochester Dover Times. Waste will be picked up on your normal trash day during the scheduled weeks. Leaves must be put in brown paper leaf bags. Bags are available at several local stores. Brush must be cut into 3-foot lengths and bundled.
2016 Yard Waste Pick Up Dates:
- May 2 through 6
- May 16 through 20
- November 7 through 11
- November 28 through December 2
When and where can I drop off hazardous waste such as paints and other household items?
The City has a Household Hazardous Waste Day, and it is usually held in the spring. The drop-off is at the Turnkey Landfill on Rochester Neck Road. The date is advertised in advance in the Foster's Daily Democrat and the Rochester Dover Times. Click here for more information.
The Spring 2016 Household Hazardous Waste Event is May 7, 2016, 8:30 a.m. through 12:30 p.m.
Who picks up my trash and what day? Is today one of the Holiday's that trash pick up is a day behind?
Waste Management picks up the trash. The number at which to reach them is 332-2386. The staff at Waste Management can help you with all of the above questions or click here for more information. These are holidays when there is a pick up delay: New Years Day, Memorial Day, July 4th, Labor Day, Thanksgiving Day, Christmas.