West Charlotte Mini-Transfer & Recycling Facility
7070 Environmental Way, Englewood
Hours of Operation: Tuesday through Saturday, 9 a.m. - 3:45 p.m.
All unloading must be finished by 4 p.m. No Exceptions!
Mid County Mini-Transfer & Recycling Facility
19675 Kenilworth Blvd, Port Charlotte
Hours of Operation: Tuesday through Saturday, 9 a.m. - 3:45 p.m.
All unloading must be finished by 4 p.m. No Exceptions!
Items Accepted at these Facilities
Cardboard, Mixed Paper, Newspaper, Aluminum & Steel Cans, Glass, Plastics
Special Wastes
Household Hazardous Wastes
Paints and Pesticides and similar items
Rechargeable Batteries
Used Hypodermic Needles (Sharps)
Lead-Acid Batteries
Motor Oils and used Oil Filters
Tires: Automobile and Pickup Truck, with or without rims
Cooking Oil
Miscellaneous Materials
Furniture and Appliances
Scrap Metals: pipe, metal frames
Wall-board, Insulation
Yard Trimmings and Landscaping Waste
Residential Yard Trimmings: This disposal service is NOT intended for residential materials that can be collected at the curb by Waste Management. It is intended for yard waste items that are between 10 and 20 inches in diameter, lengths between 6 and 8 feet, or bundles that weigh more than 40 pounds. Yard trimmings in plastic trash bags are prohibited. Yard Trimmings are not accepted from commercial business at this location.
Electronic Waste Materials: To improve our services to the community we now collect E-Waste at the curbside and will no longer accept E-waste at our Mini-Transfer Stations. Schedule curbside E-Waste service by completing the E-Waste Curbside Pickup Request form.
Business Participation: Businesses now have the opportunity to participate in the County's Recycling Program by dropping off their recyclable materials: Cardboard, Mixed Paper, Newspaper, Plastics, Aluminum & Steel Cans, and Glass. All other waste materials from businesses are prohibited at these facilities.
Prohibitions: Putresible waste, such as household garbage that decomposes and becomes foul smelling and rots, is not accepted at these facilities from residential or business customers.
C.A.R.E.’S Project REUSE Stores at each facility: CARE (Center for Abuse and Rape Emergencies) sells discarded, useable household items at both facilities. Donate to CARE, rather than discard, and the sales proceeds help victims in Charlotte County.
Chemical Reuse Shop at Mid-County Mini-Transfer Station: Visit the county's Chemical Reuse Shop at Mid County Mini-Transfer & Recycling Facility and take home anything from motor oil to furniture polish to house paint for FREE. The Chemical Reuse Shop is located inside C.A.R.E at the Mid County Facility only and residents must sign a waiver of liability to receive the products.