In addition, a new solid waste management rule, Chapter 173-350 WAC, Solid Waste Handling Standards, was filed with the Code Reviser’s Office on January 10, 2003 and went into effect on February 10, 2003. The rule immediately applies to all new facilities. Existing facilities will be required to meet the new regulation through a phased transition. The final rule applies to all solid waste handling facilities except municipal solid waste landfills subject to chapter 173-351 WAC and special incinerator ash subject to chapter 173-306 WAC. Final rule text and other supporting documents are available at Chapter 173-350 WAC. For additional information check Chapter 173-350 WAC, Solid Waste Handling Standards WAC.
Portions of the Minimum Functional Standards for Solid Waste Handling, Chapter 173-304 WAC, are still effective for some facilities. You should discuss your facility requirements with your local jurisdictional health department or your Ecology regional Solid Waste & Financial Assistance Program office.
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