If you see a farm animal that you think is ill, injured, in danger, in distress or which is being mistreated or neglected, please contact us as soon as possible.
If you are not sure whether something is an animal welfare issue, please report it to us and our staff will judge whether action is needed and the most appropriate course of action to take.
Some examples of farm animal welfare issues that we would be grateful to be informed about include the following:
- Farm animals kept in potentially illegal conditions, for example:
- lack of appropriate food and water
- lack of suitable housing or shelter for that particular species
- a farm animal of a social species kept on its own. - Animals that are ill or injured and may not be receiving appropriate treatment for the condition.
- Any form of potentially illegal cruelty to a farm animal.
- Potentially illegal killing / slaughter outside of a licensed abattoir.
Farm animals in cold weather
Some farm animals such as the hardier sheep and cattle breeds can cope with cold / wet conditions. However, we would have particular concerns about:
- farm animals with no access to a well-drained lying area
- farm animals with no access to any form of shelter, such as a natural hedge
- sheep that have just been shorn kept outside during winter weather.
Farm animals in hot weather
We would have particular concerns about:
- animals that do not have access to clean water
- animals that do not have access to shade
Source: www.rspca.org.uk

Animal Farm Episode 1, Part 4 of 10

Animal Farm Episode 1, Part 10 of 10

Animal Farm Episode 1, Part 7 of 10