Waste Management Sanford NC

August 3, 2021

A pipe discharging hog waste

The information in the table below represents an industry comparison of businesses which are of the same relative size. This is based on BBB's database of businesses located in Eastern North Carolina. Businesses may engage in more than one type of business. The percent of time the business engages in a type of business is not accounted for. There is no known industry standard for the number of complaints a business can expect. The volume of business and number of transactions may have a bearing on the number of complaints received by BBB.

*Waste Management of the Carolinas, Inc is in this range.

Types of Complaints Handled by BBB

BBB handles the following types of complaints between businesses and their customers so long as they are not, or have not been, litigated:

  • Advertising or Sales
  • Billing or Collection
  • Problems with Products or Services
  • Delivery
  • Guarantee or Warranty

We do not handle workplace disputes, discrimination claims or claims about the quality of health or legal services.

Additional Phone Numbers

  • (919) 284-4800
  • (919) 777-2841
  • (919) 851-1075
  • (919) 405-2440
  • (252) 536-2011
  • (919) 788-0403
  • (919) 430-6700
  • (919) 542-0130

Additional Fax Numbers

  • (919) 544-9337
  • (919) 361-2917
  • (919) 284-6100
  • (919) 542-0058

BBB Complaint Process

Your complaint will be forwarded to the company within two business days. The company will be asked to respond within 14 days, and if a response is not received, a second request will be made. You will be notified of the company's response when we receive it (or notified that we received no response). Complaints are usually closed within 30 business days.

BBB began including complaint response text in BBB Business Reviews on October 1, 2009.

BBB reports the complaint response text for all reportable complaints against a business that are received electronically.

Source: www.bbb.org

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