520 Murphy Road
Meridian, MS 39301
- Asbestos-Friable
- Asbestos-Non-Friable
- Construction & Demolition Debris
- Drum Management-Liquids
- Drum Management-Solids
- Industrial & Special Waste
- Liquifix (Solidification Services)
- Municipal Solid Waste
- Tires
This facility does not accept hazardous waste
- Solid Waste Management: SW
For special and hazardous wastes, please consult the Terms and Conditions of your Waste Approval. This is attached to your approved profile and can be found in the Approved Tab of your wmsolutions.com account. Select waste streams must be scheduled with the receiving facility.
Additional Information
- 2-Hour notice for asbestos material.
Hours and Closures
Mon-Fri: 7:30 am - 4:30 pm
Sat & Sun: Closed
Holiday Closures
- Christmas Day
- New Years
- Thanksgiving Day
Note: Directions are provided by Google and may not address weight limits, road restrictions or local ordinances. Please audit your route before proceeding.
Source: www.wmsolutions.com