Penn State Student Branch of ASABE, the Society for Engineering in Agriculture, Food, and Biological Systems, helps introduce students to the various facets of their profession through activities at both the national and local levels. On the national level, many students receive partial reimbursement to attend national ASAE meetings. At these meetings, students can interact with other professionals and students in their field and participate in competitions such as a micro-mini tractor pull and a computer programming contest. At the local level, the club holds biweekly meetings at which someone from the industry usually speaks. Past speakers have come from Hershey Foods, Timber Tech, the Natural Resources Conservation Service, John Deere, New Holland, and engineering consulting firms. Other highlights include spring and fall picnics, fund-raising projects, and other social activities.
Meetings are held every two weeks on Wednesday evenings at 5:30 pm in 244 Agricultural Engineering Building.