What Types of Solid Waste Facilities are Permitted?
Many facility types require solid waste permits in Washington State. The majority of the facilities are subject to chapter 70.95 RCW, Solid Waste Management - Reduction and Recycling. Specific requirements are found in regulations as follows:Chapter 173-306 WAC, Special Incinerator Ash Management Standards, applies to ash monofills.
Chapter 173-351 WAC, Criteria for Municipal Solid Waste Landfills, contains permit requirements for municipal solid waste landfills.
Chapter 173-350 WAC, Solid Waste Handling Standards, contains permit requirements for :
- Anaerobic Digesters
- Limited purpose landfills
- Inert waste landfills
- Transfer stations and drop boxes
- Compost facilities
- Other organic material handling activities
- Land application sites
- Pile storage and treatment
- Surface impoundments
- Tanks
- Waste tire storage facilities
- Moderate risk waste facilities
- Recycling and material recovery facilities
- Energy recovery facilities and incinerators
Who Writes the Regulations for Solid Waste Facilities?
The Department of Ecology, per , is directed to write minimum standards for solid waste handling. Jurisdictional health departments (JHDs) have primary oversight of solid waste facilities and issue permits and enforce the standards. Under , JHDs must adopt regulations that may be more stringent than the state's “minimum” standards. For anyone planning to handle solid waste, it is important to contact the JHD where the facility is located to discuss standards, permitting and associated fees.
Source: www.ecy.wa.gov

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