By Alexei -
This book is my Bible. It does not explain you how to add 2HP to the engine, it explains how all that works and why, with theory, numbers and serious real world tests.
You may be interested in the theory: you'll find all you need to understand more detailled research papers.
You don't need theory: you may simply trust very comprehensive and clear conclusions which explain with figures and numbers how thinks work.
The book covers Spark Ignited and Diesel engines, indirect and direct injected.
The book does not cover recent works on high speed SI (like Honda VTEC) and turbo-diesel engines, as well the indirect injected stratified combustion engines.
14 of 14 people found the following review helpful
By Dan -
I'm not a mechanical engineer and I have been able to follow the book well. It goes really in depth in some places, so you have to know when to skip a few pages. But it is fine for a final year undergrad course, and I'm sure it would work for a grad course as well, but if you don't have a good math and science background (ie engineering), then just research and then subscribe to a few car magazines. There is a lot of practical info in here as well, but don't kid yourself, most of this is theoretical backround. I am an electrical engineer who wanted to get into hybrid vehicles, and I think if you are like me and want to just buy one book on ICEs, this is it.
9 of 10 people found the following review helpful
By zhangyt -
Format: Hardcover
Written 10 years ago, the author spent just over a decade to finish this book. Having said that, there are still a lot to learn from this book. I am currently using it as THE textbook of my course (undergraduate and postgraduate).
4 of 4 people found the following review helpful
By Eeshee -
Okay. So I ordered this book for technical purposes because I'm an M.E. major with a concentration in Automotive. I haven't actually read that much of it, but from what I have read, it's WORTH EVERY PENNY. However, if you're going to buy this, know that it is both expensive and DENSE material. You will read a little, have a bunch of questions, embark on a journey to get most of them answered and have some epiphany about what you've read, and then get back to the material where you left off and repeat the process. I don't know how else to describe how to digest it. I have a copious number of expert professors at my university, so I don't have a problem with that, but for the reader who doesn't, maybe a simpler book would be better.