- Information for curbside collection
- Information for multifamily residents (including owners and renters) and property managers
- Information for Portland businesses
The Bureau of Planning and Sustainability is your resource for thoughtful consumption, recycling, composting and garbage information. The City of Portland has a goal to reduce waste and to raise the recovery rate to 90 percent by 2030. Portlanders can help reach these goals by finding resources and staying informed to make the best choices at work and at home.
Find your garbage, recycling and composting pickup schedule, a detailed list of what goes in each container, rates, service options and more
Garbage, recycling and food scrap collection information for residents (including owners and renters) and property managers
Personalized free assistance, helpful resources and recognition for your business
How to reduce waste and dispose of hazardous, electronic, medical and bulky items
Equipment and technical assistance with composting and recycling for Portland community events, fairs and festivals
Take this 8-week course on waste prevention and recycling then volunteer 30 hours to share what you learned