Publishes basic research related to the physics, dynamics, and chemistry of the atmosphere of Earth and other planets, with emphasis on the quantitative and deductive aspects of the subject.
- Articles - Full-length, up to 7500 words or 26 double-spaced pages of text (not including abstract, references, figure and table lists, and figures).
- Expedited Contributions - Shorter articles with an expedited peer-review and publication cycle, limited to 2, 500 words (approximately 9 double-spaced text pages), not including abstract, references, figure and table lists, and figures, and no more than a combined total of 6 figures and tables. Multi part papers are not allowed. For Expedited Contributions the Editor will expedite the review process and the AMS publication department will accelerate manuscript preparation for publication in final form. Authors will have a deadline of 4 weeks to complete revisions. Expedited Contributions should be published 10 to 12 weeks after final acceptance. If the manuscript grows beyond the maximum length or figure criteria specified above during the review and revision, the Editor will decide if the paper remains an Expedited Contribution or becomes a regular article. If, however, the paper requires a second round of reviews the contribution must move out of the expedited contributions category and will be considered as a regular article.
- Comment and Reply Exchanges - Comments are written in response to a published article. The author of the article being commented upon always has the opportunity to write a reply. These exchanges are published together. Generally, comments should be submitted within two (2) years of the publication date of the original paper, although the Editor can waive this time limit based on extenuating circumstances.
Source: www2.ametsoc.org