Some of the matters discussed were the four-cycle engine, carburetion, transmission and differential, and the storage battery.
This is true with either one of two forms of four-cycle motors.
Gas-engines, of the four-cycle type, such as are industrially employed, will here be principally considered.
Thus it is plain that the motor is of the four-cycle type and it should not be confounded with two-cycle motors.
The average compression pressure of a two- or four-cycle engine of the ordinary type, is from 60 to 70 pounds per square inch.
At the top is shown the torque diagram of a single-cylinder motor of the four-cycle type.
The four-cycle engines have been so far subjected to much more rigid and authoritative tests than those of the two-cycle.
As to disadvantages:—In a four-cycle engine there is but one working stroke in four piston traverses.
It shows clearly all parts of a typical four-cylinder gasoline engine of the four-cycle type.
The greater number of engines used in automobiles to-day are of the kind known as the Otto cycle, or four-cycle, engine.

![Viertaktmotor [Otto] - (four-cycle-engine) - Rueff](/img/video/viertaktmotor_otto_four_cycle_engine_rueff.jpg)
![[Spine] Four-Cycle Engine - Spine Engine1](/img/video/spine_four_cycle_engine_spine_engine1.jpg)