Who do I call to report potholes and damaged sidewalks?
The City maintains a regular street and sidewalk repair and maintenance schedule. Call 714-647-3380 to report potholes and damaged sidewalks. Crews will make necessary repairs as quickly as possible.
How can I report a traffic light malfunction?
You can call 714-647-5619 to report a malfunctioning traffic light.
How can I report a street light outage?
To report street lighting problems you may call 714-647-3380. Before calling, please identify the street light by either an address or a pole number located on the street side of the pole, approximately seven feet above the sidewalk.
How can I report street median problems?
The City maintains landscaping in street medians. To report problems such as damaged trees, plants, signage or irrigation, call 714-647-3380.
How can I get a new tree planted in the parkway in front of my home?
The City has 40 different species of trees we plant in parkways. However, some trees will not work in certain parkways due to the size of the parkway and the root structure of the tree. Your choice of tree will also be limited to those already planted in your neighborhood's parkways. You may call the Tree Maintenance Supervisor at 714-647-3330 to request a site inspection to determine which species of tree will work best in your parkway. Homeowners will be responsible for deep watering their trees. City staff will provide trimming and pesticide services as well as re-staking the tree if necessary. Call 714-647-3306 to verify when a City-owned tree will be trimmed. View a complete list of trees.
Water is coming out of the meter box in front of my house. Who do I call to fix it?
Call 714-647-3380 to report water in the meter box. If the water is coming from the street side of the meter it is the City's responsibility to fix it.
How can I report vandalism and unsightly conditions at bus stops and shelters?
Bus shelters and stops are cleaned twice a week. To report trash, debris and vandalism at bus shelters, call 714-713-6603. Bus schedules can be viewed here.
I've been seeing graffiti in my neighborhood. How can I get it removed?
Call the Graffiti Hotline 877-786-7824, 877 STOPTAG to report graffiti. If it is on public property or fences facing the street it will be removed within 1-2 days. For graffiti found in unincorporated areas or on County-owned and maintained property, please call the County of Orange at 714-834-3400. For more information regarding Graffiti, please visit the Graffiti Program page.
Recycling and Trash Collection
Put your trash carts at the curb no earlier than 4:00 p.m. on the day before your scheduled collection, and put them out of sight by midnight the day your trash is collected. Never leave your carts at the curb beyond your scheduled trash day. If you see carts in public view, please contact the City's Community Preservation Division at 714-667-2780 to report the location.
When New Year's Day, Labor Day, Independence Day, Memorial Day, Thanksgiving Day or Christmas Day is observed on a weekday, collections for the remainder of the week will be delayed one day. When refuse collection and street sweeping occur on the same day, please place your carts on top of the curb to allow the street sweeper to clean the curbs and gutters.
For household cleanup, you can call Waste Management, Inc. at 714-558-7761 and ask for a temporary three-yard bin for general clean up.
For remodeling and other construction and demolition projects, you can contact Ware Disposal 714-834-0234 or Waste Management at 714-558-7761 for a construction bin or roll-off container.
You can contact Waste Management at 714-558-7761 to:
- Change the size of your trash carts
- Order large item pick-ups for curbside customers twice per year, FREE
- Replace your damaged or missing carts, FREE
- Order additional carts at $2.00 per month
Household Hazardous Waste
How can I dispose of used motor oil?
The City provides curbside used motor oil and filter collection at no charge. Contact Waste Management at 714-558-7761 to receive your FREE oil container and filter bag. After you have filled the container with used motor oil, and placed your used oil filter in the plastic bag, call Waste Management to schedule a pickup. Your oil and oil filter will be picked up on your next regularly scheduled refuse collection day and a new empty container and oil filter bag will be left for your next oil change. DO NOT dump used motor oil into storm drains as they flow to the ocean.
How can I dispose of household hazardous waste?
If you have pesticides, cleaners, batteries, pool chemicals and paints in addition to other chemicals found around your home, proper disposal facilities are nearby. The County of Orange offers FREE DISPOSAL for household hazardous waste at several locations close to Santa Ana. The collection centers are open Tuesday through Saturday from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. Please call 714-834-6752 for more information. The following are collection locations:
1071 North Blue Gum Street
6411 Oak Canyon (Next to City Yard)
Huntington Beach
17121 Nichols Street (Use Gate 6)
Sewer Maintenance
The City conducts regular inspections and maintenance of the sewer system. A fund has been established to replace or repair worn out sewer laterals using city crews, within the public right-of-way. Call 714-647-3380 for assistance. The introduction of fats, oils and grease are detrimental to the proper functioning of the sewer system. See how to eliminate fats, oils and grease from entering the sewer system.
How can I have abandoned shopping carts removed?
For shopping cart removal call Community Preservation at 714-667-2780.
What can I do about trash in the alley near my home?
You may call Waste Management at 714-558-7761 for trash removal in any public right-of-way (alleys, curbs, streets).
How can I report illegal dumping in storm drains?
Call 714-647-3380 to report someone dumping trash or other waste into the storm drain. Storm drains are cleaned annually to ensure streets and sidewalks do not flood during heavy rains.