The world is overcrowded with negative media telling people to look and dress a certain way. Every day, folks are encouraged to alter their appearance to conform to societal standards. This February, Counseling and Psychological Services (CAPS) is back with Chicago artist Matthew Hoffman to remind us all that WE are ALL beautiful.
In a collaboration with Northwestern University Health Service (NUHS), the Women’s Center, Northwestern University Department of Recreation & Athletics and Northwestern Dining, Body Acceptance Week is returning February 15–19. Although it is nationally known as Eating Disorders Awareness Week, Northwestern’s re-named Body Acceptance Week is not only meant to promote awareness about eating disorders, but also to promote healthier lifestyles and positive body image.
Dispelling Myths About Student Alcohol and Drug Use
Each summer before arriving to campus, incoming first-year students complete the AlcoholEdu for College online course. This interactive program surveys students about their alcohol and drug consumption habits and empowers them to make responsible decisions and intervene in potentially dangerous situations.
To encourage honesty, responses are confidential and Northwestern only receives information about the student body as a whole. This year, Health Promotion and Wellness applied the Class of 2019’s responses to create a social norms campaign that seeks to clear up misconceptions about alcohol and drug consumption at Northwestern.
Harambee Kicks Off Black History Month
To encourage honesty, responses are confidential and Northwestern only receives information about the student body as a whole. This year, Health Promotion and Wellness applied the Class of 2019's responses to create a social norms campaign that seeks to clear up misconceptions about alcohol and drug consumption at Northwestern.
Take the NEXT step: Job shadow an alum this spring!
Do you want to experience a day in the life of your dream job or even just explore a new career path? Participate in the Northwestern Externship Program (NEXT) 2016, where you’ll match with a Northwestern alum and shadow them on the job for a one-day “externship” this spring. You could connect with an NPR web developer, a Justice Department attorney, or a music librarian with the San Francisco Ballet (and much more)! Approximately 600 Northwestern alums at organizations in a range of industries and job functions across the U.S. and the world will participate in the program, co-sponsored by Northwestern Career Advancement and the Northwestern Alumni Association.
To read the full article click here.Why I am an RA - Chelsea Sherlock
Proudly wearing a Gryffindor scarf (even though I'm technically a Hufflepuff) I watched as residents drank butterbeer and colored Harry Potter coloring pages. After several weeks of planning and promoting the Harry Potter themed social and trivia night, and a day spent baking, the event finally was happening and residents were enjoying it!
That moment last quarter reminded me why I love being an RA. I was able to combine things I love baking, Harry Potter and hanging out with people into an event that let residents take a break from studying and meet other people in our building.
Why I am an RA - Kat Pillischafske
For those of you who don't know me, my name is Kat Pillischafske. I am a junior majoring in Anthropology and Economics, but more than that, I am a second year RA. I lived last year in Elder and I live this year in Rogers House. It is pretty safe to say I have had a wide variety of experiences as an RA. I hope my insight can help anyone who is considering becoming an RA make their decision.
Let's start with the questions that always come up. Is being an RA hard? Yes. Does being an RA take up a lot of time? Yes. Is it hard to balance work and school? Sometimes. Do you think being an RA is worth it? Absolutely.
Winter Activities Fair 2016
The Winter Activities Fair is coming to Norris on Tuesday, January 19! Now that the craziness of fall quarter has drifted away, this is your chance explore the best of what the Northwestern student community has to offer. Organizations on campus provide the perfect platform for students to engage their interests outside of the classroom. Whether you are looking to learn more information about a community services organization or are interested in joining one of the many academic societies, there is something for everyone. Stop by the second floor of Norris from 2-5 p.m. and explore the diverse organizations that compose the heart of Northwestern. Embark on your next adventure at this year's Winter Activities Fair!