Livestock are animals kept by people for use or pleasure.
- Bovine is a term relating to cattle.
- Caprine is a term relating to goats.
- Equine is a term relating to horses, mules, zebras, and asses.
- Herd is a grouping of a single species of livestock. There may be exceptions to the term’s usage outside of cattle, horses, asses, swine, and rabbits.
- Ovine is a term relating to sheep.
- Porcine is a term relating to swine.
Ass is a single hoofed mammal of the genus Equus, related to the horses. They typically have a smaller build and longer ears.
- Ass is the correct term used for a donkey, burro, or jackstock.
- Burro is the Spanish term used for donkey (generally used west of the Mississippi)
- A hinny is a hybrid animal that is produced when a female ass (jennet) is crossed with a male horse (stallion).
- Horse hinny is the proper term for a male hinny over three years of age.
- Horse mule is the proper term for a male mule over 3 years of age.
- Jack is a male ass. (Note – young jacks are not referred to as colts)
- Jackstock is the plural referring to American Mammoth jacks and jennets. These animals are properly termed asses and are not referred to as donkeys, and never called burros.
- Jennet or jenny is a female ass. (Note – a young jennet or jenny is not referred to as a filly)
- Jennet jack a male ass used to produce donkeys.
- John is an informal term for a male mule.
- Mule is a hybrid animal that is produced when a male ass (jack) is crossed with a female horse (mare).
- Mule colts (males) and mule fillies (females) are young mules under 3 years of age.
- Mule jack is a male ass used to produce mules.
- Mare hinny is the proper term for a female hinny over three years of age.
- Mare mule is the proper term for a female mule over three years of age.
- Molly is an informal term for a female mule.
Source: www.livestockconservancy.org

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