14606 Male Turkey - I'm sure many people think of a black feathered guy when they think if a turkey. Not me! I'm Bingle and have you ever seen anything as majestic? I'm a big guy looking for a new farm home. Come on in to the ARL barn and meet me!
Status: Adoptable - at the shelter
14607 Female Turkey - Good morning! I'm Denise, a simply stunning white turkey. Right now I'm living in the ARL's barn with some other fowls. Do you think you may have room for me at your farm?
13572 1 year old Rooster - Hello all! I'm Joseph, one of the two roosters here at the ARL. I'm better to be with other roosters and not chickens. Otherwise, I'm a fairly easy going guy.
Status: Adoptable - at the shelter
Status: Adopted!
13573 1 year old Rooster - I'm Peter, a darn good looking rooster, wouldn't you say? I'm not very good with other animals but I seem to be fine with my pal Joseph. When you come to visit, you'll find us in our own little pen on the hill.
14565- Who DOESN'T want a pet pig?! Before we tell you how cute she is, we want you to know that she WILL get bigger...Now the fun stuff - She is potty trained to 'do her business' in the yard. She is a good snuggle piggy. She is smart and curious and likes to explore so a secure fenced yard would be ideal for her.
14850 Silver Laced Cochin Rooster - WOW! Did you just say, Wow! I thought so. Have you ever seen anything as amazing as me? I'm Silver Man and if you google my breed, you'll see that I am cold hardy, quite friendly, and full of feathers. You've got to stop by.