Impact Factor Rankings
2016 Impact Factor | Available summer 2017 |
2014 / 2015 Impact Factor | 1.286 |
2013 Impact Factor | 1.028 |
2012 Impact Factor | 1.218 |
2011 Impact Factor | 0.986 |
2010 Impact Factor | 0.839 |
Impact factor over time
Impact factor
Additional details
5-year impact | 1.65 |
Cited half-life | 3.50 |
Immediacy index | 0.66 |
Eigenfactor | 0.00 |
Article influence | 0.39 |
ISSN | 1836-5787 |
Publisher details
Author can archive a pre-print versionPost-print
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On author's personal repository or institutional repository Must link to publisher versionPublications in this journal
[Hide abstract]ABSTRACT: An experiment was conducted to investigate the effects of replacing antibiotic growth promoter (AGP) with a combination of essential oil and organic acids (EO+OA) on growth performance, gut microbiota and immune response in broiler chickens. In experiment 1, 320 day-old broiler chicks were randomly distributed to 32 pens with 10 birds in each pen and the pens were equally allotted to four treatment groups. In experiment 2, 120 day-old chicks were divided into same four treatment groups, each group containing 3 replicated pens with 10 birds in each pen. The groups were 1) Negative Control (NC) without AGP or other growth promoting feed additives; 2) AGP (NC + enramycin; 125 mg/kg feed; 3) OA (NC + OA; 500 mg/kg feed); and 4) EO+OA (NC + a combination of cinnamaldehyde and calcium formate; 500 mg/kg feed). Experiment 1 lasted for 40 days, while experiment 2 continued for 28 days. In experiment 2, all birds were orally challenged with Escherichia coli (108 bacteria/bird) on day 14. Overall intake, growth and feed conversion ratio (FCR) on day 40 had no difference (P > 0.05) among the groups in experiment 1. In experiment 2, growth, feed intake and FCR were not affected by any dietary treatments until day 14, but after challenged with E. coli, body weight gain and FCR improved (P < 0.05) for AGP and EO+OA compared with NC. Mortality rate was also lower (P < 0.05) for AGP and EO+OA than NC in experiment 2. Villi height was higher (P < 0.001) in OA and EO+OA groups compared with NC and AGP groups. Any treatment did not affect (P > 0.05) the counts of total bacteria, E. coli and Lactobacillus in the contents of ileum and caecum. However, Salmonella counts in the ileal and caecal contents decreased (P < 0.001) for AGP, OA and EO+OA compared to NC group. Clostridium counts were lower for EO+OA group than for NC and AGP groups in the ileum, and for AGP, OA and EO+OA groups than for NC in the caeca (P < 0.05). Antibody (Ab) titer on day 35 against Newcastle disease vaccine (NDV) was higher in EO+OA group than in NC, AGP and OA groups (P < 0.001). In conclusion, EO+OA did not affect growth and FCR in broilers. However, AGP and EO+AO improved growth performance and FCR after challenged with E. coli. Moreover, EO+OA was effective in reducing the Clostridium count in the small intestine and caecum and increasing the villus height and Ab titer against NDV.
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Source: www.researchgate.net

Animal Production Systems

Journal de production "Bilbo le Hobbit" N°4 VOSTFR

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