Cattle have been farmed in the UK since the first farmers settled over 6, 000 years ago. Initially, they were a dual purpose animal, but in recent years, cattle have become specialised and farmers have concentrated on either the supply of beef or milk. A sample of each of our cattle breeds is normally on display at the Farm Park on any one day. All the cattle leave the Farm Park site each night to go onto large grazing fields and are waiting to come back into work each morning!Goats

In pre-historic times domestic swine were herded through the forest, often mating with wild boars. Our native stock was gradually improved by importing more prolific and productive strains from the Far East.
We have over 40 different breeds of sheep in the UK each suited to different regions and types of production – this is called stratification. Particular breeds occupy specific environments to which they have become adapted; the hills, uplands or lowlands.
Horses & Ponies
The big and powerful Clydesdale and Suffolk Punch breeds used to plough our fields, whilst the little Welsh Mountain pony was perfect on postal routes or pulling carts down the coal mines. Horses and ponies played a huge part in British working life. Over the last century, industries have been transformed and very few equines are now used.
Source: www.cotswoldfarmpark.co.uk

How to attract, farm and breed animals!

Minecraft Tutorial(How To Breed Farm Animals)

Minecraft How to herd and breed animals. (Farming EP2)